Want to Sell ~SOLD ~ 14.5"Romanian SAR2 w/ JMAC Parts n misc accessories

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If interested, make an offer. I will trade for AK104 or AK102 style firearm/pistol/rifle + cash, but prefer cash. I'm willing to negotiate. Items in last photo are also available.

- Romanian SAR2 5.45x39mm
- Barrel is cut, pinned, welded to 14.5" + 2" muzzle device
- JMAC GBC13 Gas block/front sight combo + JMAC RRD-4C-28F-KM muzzle brake w/ Keymount
- AKT ALG lightning trigger
- Krebs custom safely lever

- 800 rounds of mixed Romanian, Russian, American 5.45x39mm FMJ
- 1 Russian Molot 45-round bakelite magazine
- 2 Bulgarian mags (one brown, one black)
- 3 Pmags


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